On April 28 & 29, 2021, the Tech Coalition assembled a multi-stakeholder group of experts to begin a collective dialogue about the growing problem of “self-generated indecent imagery featuring youth” (“SGIIFY”). The workshop included some 50 participants from a cross-section of stakeholder groups from 12 countries, namely: representatives from victim/survivor advocacy, researchers, governments, NGOs and hotlines, law enforcement, and tech companies. Participants convened virtually to share knowledge and explore approaches. We invite you to read the Workshop Summary below for a high-level overview of these discussions.
Following our previous workshop on "The Next Frontier of Reporting," this is the second in a series of events convened by the Tech Coalition to facilitate multistakeholder dialogues for the purpose of increasing our collaboration on protecting children from online sexual abuse and exploitation.
On June 15 and 16, the Tech Coalition will host the first annual Multi-Stakeholder Forum (MSF), a virtual global gathering to mark the one-year anniversary of Project Protect that will further explore the topic of “self-generated indecent imagery featuring youth” (“SGIIFY”).